
Restaurant WordPress Theme: L'ambiance

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Upgrading to version 2.0 We've done a complete overhaul with version 2.0 so it might be that your child-theme won't work as expected. Should this be the case let us know so we can guide you. To update please follow this guide: Please backup your da ...

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '.' in /wp-content/plugins/vagebond-background-manager/vendor/illuminate/database/Capsule/Manager.php on line 199 This error occurs when you've got a php version that's lower than php 5.6. The only solution to this issue at the time is to upgrade your WordPress version. We are however working on a version that supports php 5.4 >This h ...

Using Polylang Basic setup To setup Polylang you will need to install the plugin and activate it. To do this, go to the wp-admin page of your website and select the plugins menu-item in the right menu-bar. Once you've done this click the� ...

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected 'class' (T_CLASS), expecting identifier (T_STRING) or variable (T_VARIABLE) or '{' or '$' in /wp-content/plugins/vagebond-background-manager/vendor/illuminate/support/ServiceProvider.php on line 114 This error occurs when you've got a php version that's lower than php 5.6. The only solution to this issue at the time is to upgrade your WordPress version. We are however working on a version that supports php 5.4 >.This h ...

One click importer We've listened to your feedback and we've implemented a one-click-importer starting from version 1.2.9.Just install the importer which gets suggested once you install L'ambiance and go to appearance / import demo data and ...

Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'PDOException' with message 'SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1253 COLLATION 'utf8mb4_unicode_ci' is not valid for CHARACTER SET 'utf8'' in ... Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'PDOException' with message 'SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1253 COLLATION 'utf8mb4_unicode_ci' is not valid for CHARACTER SET 'utf8'' in /wp-content/plugins/vagebond-menu-m ...

Using the menu-manager with Polylang Ambiance has been created to ensure an easy and fast setup.However working with a multi-language setup can be tricky sometimes. In this article we'll explain how you can use the menu-manager in combination with polylang.1) I ...

Updating to L'ambiance 1.2 We've updated L'ambiance so the php 5.6 requirement is no longer the case. L'ambiance now supports php 5.3.29 and up. To update please follow this guide: Please backup your database (always best to be sure)Backup your ...