Restaurant WordPress Theme: L'ambiance

Using the menu-manager with Polylang

Ambiance has been created to ensure an easy and fast setup.

However working with a multi-language setup can be tricky sometimes. In this article we'll explain how you can use the menu-manager in combination with polylang.

1) It's important that the metadata for the page is filled in:

2) Create your "Menu" page (in the first language) and choose the default template layout for all pages you will be creating from this point on.

3). Open the visual composer widgets bar and select price menu. A list will display for where you can choose your menu page.

4) Sometimes the menu will not display in the content area (we're looking into this) but to verify every thing has worked correctly select classic mode from the visual composer settings bar and you will see the shortcode has been created.

5) Repeat steps 1 till 4 but for the next pages from the menu select the first menu page you've created.

Keep doing this for each language and you will have the nice horizontal animations and will retain the top navigation that allows you to browse your menu pages easily.

Hope this helps :).