Restaurant WordPress Theme: L'ambiance

Using Polylang

Basic setup

To setup Polylang you will need to install the plugin and activate it.

To do this, go to the wp-admin page of your website and select the plugins menu-item in the right menu-bar. Once you've done this click the add new plugin button.

Search for Polylang and install  the plugin. Once the installing has completed activate the plugin. You will notice there's a new menu item called languages. Click this setting.

You can add your languages here. Once you've completed this you are good to start configuring your website.

First we need to add copy's of all the pages for the chosen languages. So go to your pages menu and in the overview you will see that there have been added flags. Click the plus button (+) below the new language and this will create a new page for set language.

Once you've completed all the duplicating / translating of your pages it's time to configure your menu. So go to appearance/menus

Polylang has added a new menu for the languages that have been added. Now select the language you want to configure in the dropdown menu in the top and click the ( select ) button. Add all the correct pages (in the correct language) to your menu. Once you're done click the ( save menu  ) button and your done.

The contact page.

To translate the contact page you will need to translate the strings used in the contact page in your own language, to do this you can use loco translate. (

You can add this plugin using the same method i've described for Polylang. Once you've installed and activated this plugin you can start adding new translations.

In the sidebar you see that there's a new item ( Loco Translate ) click it.

1) Inside the plugin you can see the bundle name ambiance click this.

2) click the ( + new language ) and add your language, don't change the location as this is your custom translation for the theme. Click ( start translating ).

3) Now you can translate all the strings used in the theme and your contact page will update for every language to.

Hope this helps.